Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Holidays

So the holidays are almost over... Christmas eve was a big gathering at our place!! Andy made a 20 lb turkey and probaly like a 10 lb ham. We made 10 lbs of mashed pototes, baked corn and sweet potote casserole. Then everyone who came to the party brought some type of side dish. We had a TON of food... Needless to say it ALL got ate!! It was alot of fun... it was a time to get all the friends together and celebrate together as a whole. The Dillers family, The William family, The Kasner family, The Carpenters, The Browns, Biddle and a few others shared this spectacular day with us. Ohh and I cant forget to include that Mick sure was "pooped" after everyone left!! We had 5 kids there and they chased Mick all over the house.... Mick was exhausted!! But, it was good for Andy and I because he crashed as soon as we went to bed. (which is unusual)

Christmas day was to be honested with you.... Just another day for Andy and I. Being that we have no family up here (except our friends) It really didnt feel like such a festive day! But on Christmas day we went to Mike and Jessica's and ate dinner.

I am really glad that the Holidays are almost over!! They are so much work and they are over ohhh so quick!! Well I hope everyone had a great Christmas/Holiday which ever you celebrate!

Enjoy the pics!!


Saturday, December 22, 2007

About us

Hello! This is the site for Amanda and Andy Ammerman. We are living in Alaska. Andy is in the United Stated Air Force. He is active duty. I work as a Teacher's Assistant at a school of special ED. I am also a full time student anticipating getting my BA degree in Behavioral Social Science. Hopefully I will be done in the next few months. But anyways Andy and I have been together for about 7 years and married for almost 2 years. We have been together since our junior year of high school. We are originally from Pennysvania. I was raised in the country but a city girl at heart and Andy was raised near the city and is a pure city boy. I like to shop and buy purses... not just any purses designer handbags. Andy likes cars and stereos. We like to hang out with our friends and visit family when we can. It seemed to be a little difficult though when we live so far away. Our favoirte restuarant is Chili's. We like to go to the movies altough I think that they are over priced. There is no sign of kids yet but hopefully within the next two years but, we do have a mutual love of our life and his name is MICK. He is a Lab and German Shepard MIX. He is 3 years old but still acts like a pup. He is SPOILED... especially by his father. But, Andy and I keep ourselves busy. We just live life to the fullest and hope for the best!! Thats about all you can do in our society today.

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