Sunday, November 23, 2008

Good bye Alaska... Hello Japan

So, this past week has been very full of saying goodbye to all the people who have been in my life for the past 2 years. It started on november 14th we had a surprise party at The Peanut Farm. There were about 45 or so people there. It was very nice! Many of the people I work with or all of my close friends were there. This was the final goodbye for some but not all. I thought it would be tought but it hasnt been as bad as I thought! I am going to miss Alaska but not the weather but I will miss the people that I have met along the way! We are heading to Japan within the next few days... it has been very stressful so i will be happy once I get there safe and sound with our two dogs! It is going to cost us quite a bit of money to take our dogs with us. So, they are very special because most people give up their animals to go overseas! So, anyways.. i will try my best to keep this thing updated!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Andy's birthday FUN

Friday was Andy's 25th Birthday and our second anniversary so, we had alot of friends over to celebrate both occasions. We had our good friends casey and matt and soon to be baby jocelynn, Lory, Justin and their two kids, Jessica, Mike and their two kids, Richara, Chandra and her son, Jenn and Matt, and my black mama Daretha. So, needless to say we had a house full!! But, it was alot of fun!!

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