So, this past week has been very full of saying goodbye to all the people who have been in my life for the past 2 years. It started on november 14th we had a surprise party at The Peanut Farm. There were about 45 or so people there. It was very nice! Many of the people I work with or all of my close friends were there. This was the final goodbye for some but not all. I thought it would be tought but it hasnt been as bad as I thought! I am going to miss Alaska but not the weather but I will miss the people that I have met along the way! We are heading to Japan within the next few days... it has been very stressful so i will be happy once I get there safe and sound with our two dogs! It is going to cost us quite a bit of money to take our dogs with us. So, they are very special because most people give up their animals to go overseas! So, anyways.. i will try my best to keep this thing updated!
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